My Child Has Acne, What Do I Do?

I know, it's frustrating, and it hurts to see your child suffer from acne.

The good news is, today I'm going to share with you 5 tips that will help you and your child tremendously.

Although acne most commonly affects teenagers, it is also often seen in children as young as 7 years old.

But no matter their age, gender or severity of symptoms, these tips will help you help them deal with their acne and reduce breakouts.

Be Accepting & Patient with Them

Acne does not affect only the skin, but also one's self esteem and sense of control.

That is why it is super important for you to be understanding and tolerant towards your child – even when they're cranky.

Remember, they are going through a tough time. 

Teach Your Child Good Skincare Habits

Beginning around age 10, it is highly recommended for children to wash their face every night with mild soap and warm water.

Your child's skin is sensitive. Therefore, you should choose gentle products that do not contain any harsh chemicals.

Also, guide them not to scrub, as scrubbing will only lead to further irritation of the skin.

Use Mild Creams

After cleansing the face, apply a thin layer of a mild face cream, and gently massage the face.

It is commonly thought that with acne, one should not moisturize. But this is far from the truth.

Moisturization is important, as it balances and nourishes the skin – you just need to do it with the right cream.

Educate Your Child to a Hands-off Policy

Tell your child to not pick at their pimples, it will only make them worse!

Tell them you've been there and have literally done that, and that they absolutely shouldn't.

Explain that popping zits can aggravate acne, making pimples look more red and obvious, cause more breakout and can lead to scarring. 

See a Doctor if You Feel You Have to

If your at-home treatment just isn't doing it, and your child is already too upset about their skin not improving – go see a dermatologist.

Unfortunately, in some cases, home treatment is not enough. But your dermatologist can help create a treatment plan that will definitely help your kid.


  • I’ve been using Kamedis AC clear spot treatment for blemishes and “stubborn” pimples in my forehead and chin for one week now. I really can see the difference for 7 days of using. My “red” pimples dried out and as it is drying, I noticed that there is no visible sign of blemishes. (Looks like the title itself “blemish free” really suited :)) ) I will continue using the product until all the small pimple removes. Packaging is 22 ml and I also love the “nozzle” thing, the cream will comes out small and just enough portion to cover my pimple. I’ll give other comment once I used up all the product and wills ee if my acne gone out all :))

  • ] Ibusevar

  • ] Abazveye

  • ] Ibusevar

  • ] Abazveye


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