Clear My Acne QUICK!!

Why does it always seem like days before any big event or holiday an annoying pimple (or straight up – breakout) pops up from nowhere?!

Call it bad luck or serious stress, but this always seems to happen to me without fail! Up until a few months ago, on these kinds of days you could find me immediately exfoliating, putting on masks, using lemon juice and toothpaste, literally any tip I could find on the internet was a tip I was willing try. So I completely get you and the struggle.

When we started to create an acne treatment we knew that getting both short term and long term results are equally as important. This is how we arrived to the three product solution of a cleanser, moisturizer and spot treatment. The cleanser and moisturizer help get short term (quick) results but focuses more on the long term. Focuses on clearing the skin, balancing the sebum production and keeping the skin resilient. The spot treatment is our “Man in Black” that is the real last-minute life saver and focuses on getting you those fast results to a clearer skin before that big event! We wanted a product that would target pimples and reduce them at a speedy rate, so we made the spot treatment and put it to the test! We ran a clinical trial that proved visible results can be seen in just 12 hours! 12 hours! That means you can stop making DIY masks and exfoliators and just dap some spot treatment onto your breakouts before going to bed and wake up to a clearer, brighter and healthier looking skin!

The struggle doesn’t have to be real! With our Acne Kit, you get clearer skin and we get free advertisement when everyone is going to be asking you what your secret is!

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